Tuesday, February 13, 2018

P.F.F FEELS : Intentional style & Trying

Recently, I read an article on Man Repeller Called " Is trying finally back in style? " which used Celion Dion's new found lease on life as its inspiration and it made me put this question into the context of homes. There's a certain pressure on viewers when they see settings that are 'too' assembled. We all love stunning flat lays but who ACTUALLY has three stems of roses falling nonchalantly out of their bag?

If anybody knows the artist of these photographs, please ID them in the comments! Would love to find out more of their work

Style when enforced comes across as pushy. Do you recallthe feeling of going into somebody's home and feeling almost uncomfortable at how much chintz they owned? Or maybe they were really into porcelain figurines? Perhaps it wasn't about objects or patterns but just that everything felt a bit too contemplated upon. Why do we get a bit " Hey back off with your style " when things are assembled too far?

I love the intentional style in this photo series though, those green shades are killer 

Everyone is trying to make a point about their style but in an indirect way. There's an expectation out there where we have to make our point indirectly and those who know how to do this are, in my eyes, totally exceptional. It's the key mark of communication when you do a little and get a lot and this translates into anything visually inclined.

Trying can look good but that's just the thing - it needs to look good. 
If you try and it works, then you never really tried in the first place. But if you tried and it didn't look good, then you tried AND you failed. Two things nobody wants to admit.

Here's one thing I can say about trying that's good for the whole world. When you try and you succeed, you can pass knowledge on. And if you've failed and then succeeded, we can benefit from your experience. Being effortless and succeeding makes us look awesome but it doesn't contribute anything to the tapestry of visual learning that we all do on a daily basis. This is why we hate 'effortless' people. They get everything and give nothing but what's that really contributing? What's that really doing to help other people play the game in a better way?

The thing about trying is that at the end of the day, it shows bravery and courage in small ways and large. You've had a vision about yourself and you want to put it out there. That's so much more powerful than just rolling out of bed looking amazing. That shows self awareness, direction and being able to make oneself vulnerable. You're making a claim to life and that scores 100 points from me.


  1. ha i like this! it reminds me of my outfit at work yesterday - usually i put some effort in and i always "try" to be a little different or out there (the only way to make corporate life interesting). but yesterday i was not feeling great, bloated, etc - and i put on these grey jeans from my "to sell" pile and a black and white striped shirt. in the bathroom this one girl who always compliments what i'm wearing was like "you look so boring today!!!! (said in a nice way of course) and i was like "I KNOW!!!!" and we had a laugh - but it was so true. i felt so not me all day and then to top it off, another friend was like, "what are those jeans?!" lol - this sounds mean but it was SO true. i was a walking mistake because i did not try at all. lesson learned. not a very deep lesson, but whatever. also, those jeans were on the to sell pile for a reason. i don't really know what i'm trying to say. kbye!

    1. haha omg, thanks for sharing that! Yeah totally, like even when I ' try ' and ' make ' an effort with how I look, I find that it's not OTT. If I don't try at all, it looks way worse and lazy and terrible than if I actually try. I think trying can be a good thing, but it's so weird because it can also be really bad. I just think if we have a certain look we want to achieve, then we should definitely 'try' to attain it. It goes the same with basically anything visual.


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